Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy
import warnings

import os
import glob

import obspy

from .component import Component
from lasif.exceptions import LASIFNotFoundError, LASIFWarning
from obspy.geodetics import FlinnEngdahl
import pyasdf

[docs]class EventsComponent(Component): """ Component managing a folder of QuakeML files. Each file must adhere to the scheme ``*.xml``. :param folder: Folder with QuakeML files. :param communicator: The communicator instance. :param component_name: The name of this component for the communicator. """ def __init__(self, folder, communicator, component_name): super(EventsComponent, self).__init__(communicator, component_name) self.__event_info_cache = {} self.folder = folder self.index_values = [ ("filename"), ("event_name"), ("latitude"), ("longitude"), ("depth_in_km"), ("origin_time"), ("m_rr"), ("m_pp"), ("m_tt"), ("m_rp"), ("m_rt"), ("m_tp"), ("magnitude"), ("magnitude_type"), ("region"), ] self.all_events = {} self.fill_all_events() def fill_all_events(self): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.folder, "*.h5")) for file in files: event_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] self.all_events[event_name] = file def _update_cache(self): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.folder, "*.h5")) for filename in files: event_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] self.get(event_name) @staticmethod def _extract_index_values_quakeml(filename): """ Reads QuakeML files and extracts some keys per channel. Only one event per file is allows. """ with pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(filename, mode="r", mpi=False) as ds: event =[0] # Extract information. mag = event.preferred_magnitude() or event.magnitudes[0] org = event.preferred_origin() or[0] if org.depth is None: warnings.warn( "Origin contains no depth. Will be assumed to be 0", LASIFWarning, ) org.depth = 0.0 if mag.magnitude_type is None: warnings.warn( "Magnitude has no specified type. Will be assumed " "to be Mw", LASIFWarning, ) mag.magnitude_type = "Mw" # Get the moment tensor. fm = event.preferred_focal_mechanism() or event.focal_mechanisms[0] mt = fm.moment_tensor.tensor event_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] return [ str(filename), str(event_name), float(org.latitude), float(org.longitude), float(org.depth / 1000.0), float(org.time.timestamp), float(mt.m_rr), float(mt.m_pp), float(mt.m_tt), float(mt.m_rp), float(mt.m_rt), float(mt.m_tp), float(mag.mag), str(mag.magnitude_type), str(FlinnEngdahl().get_region(org.longitude, org.latitude)), ]
[docs] def list(self, iteration: str = None): """ List of all events. >>> comm = getfixture('events_comm') >>> # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['GCMT_event_TURKEY_Mag_5.1_2010-3-24-14-11', 'GCMT_event_TURKEY_Mag_5.9_2011-5-19-20-15'] :param iteration: Name of iteration, defaults to None :type iteration: str, optional """ if iteration is not None: import toml iter_name = self.comm.iterations.get_long_iteration_name(iteration) path = os.path.join( self.comm.project.paths["iterations"], iter_name, "events_used.toml", ) if not os.path.exists(path): print( "You do not have any iteration toml. " "Will give all events" ) self._update_cache() return sorted(self.__event_info_cache.keys()) iter_events = toml.load(path) return sorted(iter_events["events"]["events_used"]) else: self._update_cache() return sorted(self.__event_info_cache.keys())
[docs] def count(self, iteration: str = None): """ Get the number of events managed by this component. If iteration given, return number of events in iteration >>> comm = getfixture('events_comm') >>> 2 :param iteration: Name of iteration, defaults to None :type iteration: str, optional """ if iteration is not None: import toml iter_name = self.comm.iterations.get_long_iteration_name(iteration) path = os.path.join( self.comm.project.paths["iterations"], iter_name, "events_used.toml", ) if not os.path.exists(path): print( "You do not have any iteration toml. " "Will give all events" ) return len(self.all_events) iter_events = toml.load(path) return len(iter_events["events"]["events_used"]) else: return len(self.all_events)
[docs] def has_event(self, event_name: str): """ Test for existence of an event. :param event_name: The name of the event. :type event_name: str """ # Make sure it also works with existing event dictionaries. This # has the potential to simplify lots of code. self.fill_all_events() try: event_name = event_name["event_name"] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass return event_name in self.all_events
[docs] def get_all_events(self, iteration: str = None) -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary with the key being the event names and the values the information about each event, as would be returned by the :meth:`` method. :param iteration: Name of iteration, defaults to None :type iteration: str, optional :return: Dictonary with keys as event names and information as values :rtype: dict """ # make sure cache is filled self._update_cache() if iteration: return copy.deepcopy( { event: self.__event_info_cache[event] for event in self.list(iteration) } ) else: return copy.deepcopy(self.__event_info_cache)
[docs] def get(self, event_name: str) -> dict: """ Get information about one event. This function uses multiple cache layers and is thus very cheap to call. :param event_name: The name of the event. :type event_name: str :rtype: dict """ try: event_name = event_name["event_name"] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass if event_name not in self.all_events: raise LASIFNotFoundError( "Event '%s' not known to LASIF." % event_name ) if event_name not in self.__event_info_cache: values = dict( zip( self.index_values, self._extract_index_values_quakeml( self.all_events[event_name] ), ) ) values["origin_time"] = obspy.UTCDateTime(values["origin_time"]) self.__event_info_cache[event_name] = values return self.__event_info_cache[event_name]