Command Line Interface

The recommended way to interact with LASIF 2.0 projects is to use the API but the command line interface remains an option for anyone who prefers that. It consists of a number of subcommands grouped below the main lasif command. The general usage is quickly explained in this paragraph whilst the remainder of this sections explains all subcommands in greater detail.

The general help can be accessed with the lasif help command.

$ lasif help
    LASIF - Large Scale Seismic Inversion Framework  [Version 0.0.0-tar/zipball]

usage: lasif [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]

======== Data Acquisition Functions
                   add_gcmt_events: Selects and adds optimally distributed events from the GCMT catalog.
                    add_spud_event: Add an event from the IRIS SPUD webservice to the project.

To access the subcommand specific help append --help to the command.

$ lasif init_project --help
usage: lasif init_project [-h] [--ipdb] folder_path

Create a new project.

positional arguments:
  folder_path  where to create the project

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --ipdb       If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an
               exception. Requires ipdb.

Each command can have a number of positional arguments and some optional arguments. Positional arguments have to be given in the specified order while optional arguments can be passed if needed.


All lasif commands work and use the correct project as long as they are executed somewhere inside a project’s folder structure. It will recursively search the parent directories until it finds a lasif_config.toml file. This will then be assumed to be the root folder of the project.


Some commands can be executed with MPI to speed up their execution. Don’t use too many cores as the problem quickly becomes I/O bounds. For example to run the preprocessing on 16 cores, do

$ mpirun -n 16 lasif process_data 1 GCMT_event_AZORES_ISLANDS

The following commands are MPI-enabled. Attempting to run any other command with MPI will result in an error.:

Command Documentation

In the following all subcommands are documented in detail. The commands are grouped by functionality.

Data Acquisition Functions

Data Acquisition

These functions are used to acquire and archive different types of data usually from webservices.

lasif add_spud_event

usage: lasif add_spud_event [-h] [--ipdb] url

Add an event from the IRIS SPUD webservice to the project.

Positional Arguments


any SPUD momenttensor URL

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif add_gcmt_events

usage: lasif add_gcmt_events [-h] [--ipdb] [--min_year MIN_YEAR]
                                 [--max_year MAX_YEAR]
                                 count min_magnitude max_magnitude min_distance

Selects and adds optimally distributed events from the GCMT catalog.

Positional Arguments


maximum amount of events to add


minimum magnitude off events to add


maximum magnitude off events to add


The minimum acceptable distance to the next closest event in km.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


minimum year from which to add events


maximum year from which to add events

lasif download_data

usage: lasif download_data [-h] [--ipdb]
                               [--providers PROVIDERS [PROVIDERS ...]]
                               [event_name [event_name ...]]

Download waveform and station data for one or more events. Can be used to download data for all events in LASIF project.

Positional Arguments


name of the event. Possible to add more than one event separated by a space. If argument is left empty. data will be downloaded for all events

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


FDSN providers to query. Will use all known ones if not set.

Event Management Functions

Event Management

Function helping in organzing the earthquakes inside a LASIF project.

lasif list_events

usage: lasif list_events [-h] [--ipdb] [--just_list] [--iteration ITERATION]

Print a list of all events in the project.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Show only a list of eventswithout properties. Good for scripting bash.


Show only events related to a specific iteration

lasif event_info

usage: lasif event_info [-h] [--ipdb] [-v] event_name

Print information about a single event.

Positional Arguments


name of the event

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Verbose. Print all contained events.

Iteration Management Functions

Iteration Management

Functions dealing with one or more iterations inside a LASIF project.

lasif submit_job

usage: lasif submit_job [-h] [--ipdb]
                            iteration_name ranks wall_time_in_seconds
                            simulation_type site [event [event ...]]

EXPERIMENTAL: Submits event(s) to daint with salvus-flow. NO QA

Requires all input_files and salvus-flow to be installed and configured.

Positional Arguments


name of the iteration


amount of ranks


wall time


forward, step_length, adjoint


Computer to submit the job to


If you only want to submit selected events. You can input more than one separated by a space. If none is specified, all will be taken

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif retrieve_output

usage: lasif retrieve_output [-h] [--ipdb]
                                 iteration_name simulation_type site
                                 [event [event ...]]

EXPERIMENTAL: Retrieves output from simulation, No QA.

Positional Arguments


name of the iteration


forward, step_length, adjoint


Computer to get output from


names of events you want to retrieve output from. If more than one, separate with space. If none specified all will be used.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif generate_input_files

usage: lasif generate_input_files [-h] [--ipdb]
                                      [--weight_set_name WEIGHT_SET_NAME]
                                      [--prev_iter PREV_ITER]
                                      iteration_name [events [events ...]]

Generate input files for the forward simulation of the waveform solver.

Positional Arguments


name of the iteration


One or more events. If none given, all will be done.


forward, step_length, adjoint

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Set of station and event weights,used to scale the adjoint sources


Optionally specify a previous iterationto use input files_from, only updatesthe mesh file.

lasif calculate_adjoint_sources

This function can be used with MPI

usage: lasif calculate_adjoint_sources [-h] [--ipdb] [--weight_set WEIGHT_SET]
                                           iteration_name window_set_name
                                           [events [events ...]]

Calculates adjoint sources for a given iteration.

Positional Arguments


name of the iteration


name of the window_set


One or more events. If none given,all will be done.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


name of station weight set

lasif select_windows

This function can be used with MPI

usage: lasif select_windows [-h] [--ipdb]
                                iteration window_set_name [events [events ...]]

Autoselect windows for a given event and iteration combination.

This function works with MPI. Don’t use too many cores, I/O quickly becomes the limiting factor. It also works without MPI but then only one core actually does any work.

Positional Arguments


name of the iteration


name of the window_set


One or more events. If none given, all will be done.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif gui

usage: lasif gui [-h] [--ipdb]

Launch the misfit GUI.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif create_weight_set

usage: lasif create_weight_set [-h] [--ipdb] weight_set_name

Create a new set of event and station weights.

Positional Arguments


name of the weight set, i.e. “A”

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif compute_station_weights

usage: lasif compute_station_weights [-h] [--ipdb] [--iteration ITERATION]
                                         [event_name [event_name ...]]

Compute weights for stations. Useful when distribution is uneven. Weights are calculated for each event. This may take a while if you have many stations.

Positional Arguments


Pick a name for the weight set. If the weightset already exists, it willoverwrite


name of event. If none is specified weights willbe calculated for all. Also possible to specifymore than one separated by a space

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


If you only want to do this for the events specified for an iteration

lasif get_weighting_bins

usage: lasif get_weighting_bins [-h] [--ipdb] [--iteration ITERATION]
                                    window_set_name [event_name [event_name ...]]

Compute median envelopes for the observed data in certain station bins. The binning is based on event-station distances.

Positional Arguments


Name of window set


Name of event

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Take all eventsused in a specificiteration.

lasif set_up_iteration

usage: lasif set_up_iteration [-h] [--ipdb] [--remove_dirs]
                                  iteration_name [events [events ...]]

Creates or removes directory structure for an iteration.

Positional Arguments


name of the iteration, i.e. “1”


If you only want to submit selected events. You can input more than one separated by a space. If none is specified, all will be taken

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Removes all directories related to the specified iteration.

lasif write_misfit

usage: lasif write_misfit [-h] [--ipdb] [--weight_set_name WEIGHT_SET_NAME]
                              [--window_set_name WINDOW_SET_NAME]

Positional Arguments


current iteration

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Set of station and event weights


name of the window set

lasif list_iterations

usage: lasif list_iterations [-h] [--ipdb]

Creates directory structure for a new iteration.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif compare_misfits

This function can be used with MPI

usage: lasif compare_misfits [-h] [--ipdb] [--weight_set_name WEIGHT_SET_NAME]
                                 from_iteration to_iteration [events [events ...]]

Compares the total misfit between two iterations.

Total misfit is used regardless of the similarity of the picked windows from each iteration. This might skew the results but should give a good idea unless the windows change excessively between iterations.

If windows are weighted in the calculation of the adjoint sources. That should translate into the calculated misfit value.

Positional Arguments


past iteration


current iteration


One or more events. If none given, all will be done.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Set of station and event weights


compare misfits for each event

lasif list_weight_sets

usage: lasif list_weight_sets [-h] [--ipdb]

Print a list of all weight sets in the project.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif process_data

This function can be used with MPI

usage: lasif process_data [-h] [--ipdb] [--iteration ITERATION]
                              [events [events ...]]

Launch data processing.

This function works with MPI. Don’t use too many cores, I/O quickly becomes the limiting factor. It also works without MPI but then only one core actually does any work.

Positional Arguments


One or more events. If none given, all will be done.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Take all events used in iteration

Misc Functions


All functions that do not fit in one of the other categories.

lasif shell

usage: lasif shell [-h] [--ipdb]

Drops you into a shell with an active communicator instance.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif tutorial

usage: lasif tutorial [-h] [--ipdb]

Open the tutorial in a webbrowser.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

Plotting Functions


Functions producing pictures.

lasif plot_domain

usage: lasif plot_domain [-h] [--ipdb] [--save]

Plot the project’s domain on a map.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Save the plot in a file

lasif plot_event

usage: lasif plot_event [-h] [--ipdb] [--save] [--force_intersect]
                            [--weight_set_name WEIGHT_SET_NAME]

Plot a single event including stations on a map.

Positional Arguments


name of the event to plot

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Saves the plot in a file


Force to plot only stations that recorded durng all events in the project, regardless of settings.


Force to plot all stations that recorded during events, even if they are not present for all events, regardless of settings.


for stations to be color coded as a function of their respective weights

lasif plot_events

usage: lasif plot_events [-h] [--ipdb] [--type {map,depth,time}]
                             [--iteration ITERATION] [--save]

Plot all events. This might need an extension to iterations.

type can be one of:
  • map (default) - a map view of the events

  • depth - a depth distribution histogram

  • time - a time distribution histogram

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

--type {map (Default), depth, time}

the type of plot. map: beachballs on a map, depth: depth distribution histogram, time: time distribution histogram


Plot all events for an iteration


Saves the plot in a file

lasif plot_raydensity

usage: lasif plot_raydensity [-h] [--ipdb] [--iteration ITERATION]

Plot a binned raycoverage plot for all events.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Only plot data from a specific iteration


also plot the stations

lasif plot_section

usage: lasif plot_section [-h] [--ipdb] [--num_bins NUM_BINS]
                              [--traces_per_bin TRACES_PER_BIN]

Plot a binned section plot of the processed data for an event.

Positional Arguments


name of the event to plot

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


number of bins to be used for binning the event-station offsets


number of traces per bin

lasif plot_stf

usage: lasif plot_stf [-h] [--ipdb] [--unfiltered]

Plot the source time function for one iteration.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Add this tag if you want to plot an unfiltered STF

lasif plot_window_statistics

usage: lasif plot_window_statistics [-h] [--ipdb] [--save]
                                        [--iteration ITERATION]
                                        window_set_name [events [events ...]]

Plot the selected windows.

Positional Arguments


name of the window set


One or more events. If none given, all will be done.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


Saves the plot in a file


Take all events used in iteration

lasif plot_windows

usage: lasif plot_windows [-h] [--ipdb] [--distance_bins DISTANCE_BINS]
                              event_name window_set_name

Plot the selected windows.

Positional Arguments


name of the event


name of the window set

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


The number of bins on the distance axis for the combined plot.

Project Management Functions

Project Management

Functions dealing with LASIF projects as a whole.

lasif info

usage: lasif info [-h] [--ipdb]

Print a summary of the project.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif init_project

usage: lasif init_project [-h] [--ipdb] folder_path

Create a new project.

Positional Arguments


where to create the project

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.

lasif validate_data

usage: lasif validate_data [-h] [--ipdb]
                               [--data_and_station_file_availability] [--raypaths]

Validate the data currently in the project.

This commands walks through all available data and checks it for validity. It furthermore does some sanity checks to detect common problems. These should be fixed.

By default is only checks some things. A full check is recommended but potentially takes a very long time.

Things the command does:

Event files:
  • Validate against QuakeML 1.2 scheme.

  • Make sure they contain at least one origin, magnitude and focal mechanism object.

  • Check for duplicate ids amongst all QuakeML files.

  • Some simply sanity checks so that the event depth is reasonable and the moment tensor values as well. This is rather fragile and mainly intended to detect values specified in wrong units.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.


asserts that all stations have corresponding station files and all stations have waveforms. Very slow.


assert that all raypaths are within the set boundaries. Very slow.


run all validations.

lasif clean_up

usage: lasif clean_up [-h] [--ipdb] clean_up_file

Clean up the LASIF project.

The required file can be created with lasif validate_data command.

Positional Arguments


path of clean-up file

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


If true, a debugger will be launched upon encountering an exception. Requires ipdb.