API Documentation¶
Project wide exceptions and warnings.
[source]¶ Raised whenever something is not found inside the project.
An api to communicate directly with lasif functions without using the command line interface. Ideal interface for scripting.
- copyright
Solvi Thrastarson (soelvi.thrastarson@erdw.ethz.ch), 2018
- license
GNU General Public License, Version 3 (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
(lasif_root, count: int, min_mag: float, max_mag: float, min_dist: float, min_year: Optional[int] = None, max_year: Optional[int] = None, return_events: bool = False)[source]¶ Add events to the project.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
count (int) – Nunber of events
min_mag (float) – Minimum magnitude
max_mag (float) – Maximum magnitude
min_dist (float) – Minimum distance between events in km
min_year (float, optional) – Year to start event search, defaults to None
max_year (float, optional) – Year to end event search, defaults to None
return_events (bool, optional) – If you want to return a list of the new events, defaults to False
(lasif_root, url: str)[source]¶ Adds events from the iris spud service, provided a link to the event
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – Path to lasif project
url (str) – URL to the spud event
(lasif_root, iteration: str, window_set: str, weight_set: Optional[str] = None, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None)[source]¶ Calculate adjoint sources for a given iteration
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
iteration (str) – name of iteration
window_set (str) – name of window set
weight_set (str, optional) – name of station weight set, defaults to None
events (Union[str, List[str]]) – Name of event or list of events. To get all events for the iteration, pass None, defaults to None
(lasif_root, iteration: str, window_set: str, weight_set: Optional[str] = None, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, num_processes: int = 16)[source]¶ Calculate adjoint sources for a given iteration This function uses multiprocessing for parallelization
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
iteration (str) – name of iteration
window_set (str) – name of window set
weight_set (str, optional) – name of station weight set, defaults to None
events (Union[str, List[str]]) – Name of event or list of events. To get all events for the iteration, pass None, defaults to None
num_processes (int) – The number of processes used in multiprocessing
(lasif_root, iteration: str, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None)[source]¶ Calculates L2 full trace misfits for either a full iteration or a set of events within an iteration.
Returns a dictionary with misfits for each event as well as the total misfit
(lasif_root, clean_up_file: str, delete_outofbounds_events: bool = False)[source]¶ Clean up the lasif project. The required file can be created with the validate_data command.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
clean_up_file (str) – path to clean-up file
delete_outofbounds_events (bool, optional) – Whether full event files should be deleted if the event is out of the domain, defaults to False.
(lasif_root, from_it: str, to_it: str, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, weight_set: Optional[str] = None, print_events: bool = False)[source]¶ Compares the total misfit between two iterations.
Total misfit is used regardless of the similarity of the picked windows from each iteration. This might skew the results but should give a good idea unless the windows change excessively between iterations.
If windows are weighted in the calculation of the adjoint sources. That should translate into the calculated misfit value.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
from_it (str) – evaluate misfit from this iteration
to_it (str) – to this iteration
events (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – An event or a list of events. To get all of them pass None, defaults to None
weight_set (str, optional) – Set of station and event weights, defaults to None
print_events (bool, optional) – compare misfits for each event, defaults to False
(lasif_root, weight_set: str, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, iteration: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ Compute weights for stations based on amount of neighbouring stations
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
weight_set (str) – name of weight set to compute into
events (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – An event or a list of events. To get all of them pass None, defaults to None
iteration (str, optional) – name of iteration to compute weights for, controls the events which are picked for computing weights for.
(lasif_root: Union[str, object], event: str, iteration: str, mesh: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]] = None, side_set: Optional[str] = None, type_of_simulation: str = 'forward')[source]¶ Create a Salvus simulation object based on simulation and salvus specific parameters specified in config file.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root folder or the lasif communicator object
event (str) – Name of event
iteration (str) – Name of iteration
mesh (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object], optional) – Path to mesh or Salvus mesh object, if None it will use the domain file from config file, defaults to None
side_set (str, optional) – Name of side set on mesh to place receivers, defaults to None.
type_of_simulation (str, optional) – forward or adjoint, defaults to forward
- Returns
Salvus simulation object
- Return type
(lasif_root, weight_set: str)[source]¶ Create a new set of event and station weights
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
weight_set (str) – name of weight set
(lasif_root, event_name: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, providers: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]¶ Download available data for events
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
event_name (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Name of event(s), if you want to pass all events, pass None, you can pass either an event or a list of events, defaults to None.
providers (List[str]) – A list of providers to download from, if nothing passed it will query all known providers that FDSN knows, defaults to None
(lasif_root, event_name: str, verbose: bool = False)[source]¶ Print information about a single event
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
event_name (str) – Name of event
verbose (bool, optional) – Print station information as well, defaults to False
(lasif_root, event: str)[source]¶ See if there is a version of the event mesh which has been constructed already but not moved to iteration folder. If there is no mesh there it will return False and correct path. Otherwise it returns true and the path.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – Path to project root
event (str) – Name of event
- Returns
bool whether mesh exists and path to mesh
(folder)[source]¶ Will search upwards from the given folder until a folder containing a LASIF root structure is found. The absolute path to the root is returned.
- Parameters
folder (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – Path to folder where you want to search from
(lasif_root, event: str, load_from_file: bool = False, write_to_file: bool = False)[source]¶ Get a list of receiver dictionaries which are compatible with Salvus. SalvusFlow can then use these dictionaries to place the receivers.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – Path to project root
event (str) – Name of event which we want to find the receivers for
load_from_file (bool, optional) – If receivers are stored in a json file, defaults to False
write_to_file (bool, optional) – If list of receiver dictionaries should be written to file, defaults to False
(lasif_root, event: str, iteration: str) → str[source]¶ In the multi mesh approach, each event has a unique mesh. This function returns the path of the correct mesh.
(lasif_root, event: str, iteration: str)[source]¶ Provide source information to give to Salvus
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – Path to project root
event (str) – Name of event which we want to find the source for
iteration (str) – Name of iteration
(lasif_root, events: List[str], count: int, existing_events: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]¶ This function gets an optimally distributed subset of events from a larger group of events. The distribution is based on Mitchel’s best sampling algorithm. It’s possible to exclude events and have already picked events.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – Path to project root
events (List[str]) – List of event names from which to choose from. These events must be known to LASIF.
count (int) – number of events to choose. (Size of subset)
existing_events (List[str]) – Events already in subset, They will be considered in spatial sampling, defaults to None
- Returns
list of selected events, defaults to None
- Return type
List[str], optional
(project_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path])[source]¶ Create a new project
- Parameters
project_path (Union[str, pathlib.Path]) – Path to project root directory. Can use absolute paths or relative paths from current working directory.
(lasif_root, just_list: bool = True, iteration: Optional[str] = None, output: bool = True)[source]¶ Print a list of events in project
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
just_list (bool, optional) – Show only a plain list of events, if False it gives more information on the events, defaults to True
iteration (str, optional) – Show only events for specific iteration, defaults to None
output (bool, optional) – Do you want to output the list into a variable, defaults to True
(lasif_root, output: bool = True)[source]¶ List iterations in project
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
output (bool, optional) – If the function should return the list, defaults to True
(lasif_root)[source]¶ Print a list of all weight sets in the project.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
(lasif_root)[source]¶ Open up the misfit gui
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
(lasif_root, plot_stations: bool, iteration: Optional[str] = None, save: bool = True, intersection_override: Optional[bool] = None, inner_boundary: bool = False)[source]¶ Plot all the rays that are in the project or in a specific iteration. This is typically slower than the plot_raydensity function
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[pathlib.Path, str, object]) – Lasif root directory
plot_stations (bool) – True/False whether stations should be plotted
iteration (str, optional) – If you only want events from a certain iteration, if None is passed every event will be used, defaults to None
save (bool, optional) – Whether you want to save the figure, if False, it gets plotted and not saved, defaults to True
intersection_override (bool, optional) – boolean to require to have the same stations recording all events, i.e. the intersection of receiver sets. The intersection will consider two stations equal i.f.f. the station codes AND coordinates (LAT, LON, Z) are equal. If None is passed, the value use_only_intersection from the projects’ configuration file is used, defaults to None
(lasif_root, save=False, inner_boundary=False)[source]¶ Plot the studied domain specified in config file
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory.
save (bool, optional) – save file, defaults to False
inner_boundary (bool, optional) – binary whether the inner boundary should be drawn Only works well for convex domains, defaults to False
(lasif_root, event_name: str, weight_set_name: Optional[str] = None, save: bool = False, intersection_override: Optional[bool] = None, inner_boundary: bool = False)[source]¶ Plot a single event including stations on a map. Events can be color coded based on their weight
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
event_name (str) – name of event to plot
weight_set_name (str, optional) – name of station weight set, defaults to None
save (bool, optional) – if figure should be saved, defaults to False
intersection_override (bool, optional) – boolean to require to have the same stations recording all events, i.e. the intersection of receiver sets. The intersection will consider two stations equal i.f.f. the station codes AND coordinates (LAT, LON, Z) are equal. If None is passed, the value use_only_intersection from the projects’ configuration file is used, defaults to None
inner_boundary (bool, optional) – binary whether the inner boundary should be drawn Only works well for convex domains, defaults to False
(lasif_root, type_of_plot: str = 'map', iteration: Optional[str] = None, save: bool = False, inner_boundary: bool = False)[source]¶ Plot a all events on the domain
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
type_of_plot (str, optional) – type of plot, options are ‘map’, ‘depth’ and ‘time’, defaults to ‘map’
iteration (str, optional) – plot all events of an iteration, defaults to None
save (bool, optional) – if figure should be saved, defaults to False
inner_boundary (bool, optional) – binary weather the inner boundary should be drawn Only works well for convex domains, defaults to False
(lasif_root, plot_stations: bool, iteration: Optional[str] = None, save: bool = True, intersection_override: Optional[bool] = None)[source]¶ Plot a distribution of earthquakes and stations with great circle rays plotted underneath.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – Lasif root directory
plot_stations (bool) – boolean argument whether stations should be plotted
iteration (str, optional) – If you only want events from a certain iteration, if None is passed every event will be used, defaults to None
save (bool, optional) – Whether you want to save the figure, if False, it gets plotted and not saved, defaults to True
intersection_override (bool, optional) – boolean to require to have the same stations recording all events, i.e. the intersection of receiver sets. The intersection will consider two stations equal i.f.f. the station codes AND coordinates (LAT, LON, Z) are equal. If None is passed, the value use_only_intersection from the projects’ configuration file is used, defaults to None
(lasif_root, event: str, iteration: str, save=False)[source]¶ Plot a map of a specific event where all the stations are colour coded by their respective misfit value. You need to compute adjoint sources for the respective iteration prior to making this plot. Keep in mind that station with no windows will not get plotted, these stations might be the ones with the largest misfits in reality
(lasif_root)[source]¶ Plot the source time function
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
(lasif_root, window_set: str, save: bool = False, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, iteration: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ Plot some statistics related to windows in a specific set.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
window_set (str) – name of window set
save (bool, optional) – Saves the plot in a file, defaults to False,
events (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – An event or a list of events. To get all of them pass None, defaults to None
iteration (str, optional) – Plot statistics related to events in a specific iteration , defaults to None
(lasif_root, event_name: str, window_set: str, distance_bins: int = 500)[source]¶ Plot the selected windows for a specific event
(lasif_root, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, iteration: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶ Process recorded data
(lasif_root)[source]¶ Print a summary of the project
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
(lasif_root, iteration: str, window_set: str, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None)[source]¶ Autoselect windows for a given iteration and event combination
(lasif_root, iteration: str, window_set: str, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, num_processes: int = 16)[source]¶ Autoselect windows for a given iteration and event combination Uses Python’s multiprocessing for parallelization
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
iteration (str) – name of iteration
window_set (str) – name of window set
events (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – An event or a list of events. To get all of them pass None, defaults to None
num_processes (int) – The number of processes used in multiprocessing
(lasif_root, iteration: str, events: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, event_specific: bool = False, remove_dirs: bool = False)[source]¶ Creates or removes directory structure for an iteration
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
iteration (str) – name of iteration
events (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – An event or a list of events. To get all of them pass None, defaults to None
event_specific (bool, optional) – If the inversion needs a specific model for each event, defaults to False
remove_dirs (bool, optional) – boolean value to remove dirs, defaults to False
(lasif_root: Union[str, object], simulations: Union[List[object], object]) → object[source]¶ Submit a Salvus simulation to the machine defined in config file with details specified in config file :param lasif_root: The Lasif communicator object or root file :type lasif_root: Union[str, pathlib.Path, object] :param simulations: Simulation object :type simulations: Union[List[object], object] :return: SalvusJob object or array of them :rtype: object
(lasif_root, data_station_file_availability: bool = False, raypaths: bool = False, full: bool = False)[source]¶ Validate the data currently in the project.
This commands walks through all available data and checks it for validity. It furthermore does some sanity checks to detect common problems. These should be fixed.
By default is only checks some things. A full check is recommended but potentially takes a very long time.
Things the command does:
- Event files:
Validate against QuakeML 1.2 scheme.
Make sure they contain at least one origin, magnitude and focal mechanism object.
Check for duplicate ids amongst all QuakeML files.
Some simply sanity checks so that the event depth is reasonable and the moment tensor values as well. This is rather fragile and mainly intended to detect values specified in wrong units.
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory
data_station_file_availability (bool) – asserts that all stations have corresponding station files and all stations have waveforms, very slow.
raypaths (bool) – Assert that all raypaths are within the set boundaries. Very slow.
full (bool) – Run all validations
(lasif_root, iteration, weight_set=None, window_set=None, events=None, include_stations=False)[source]¶ Write misfit for iteration :param lasif_root: path to lasif root directory :param iteration: name of iteration :param weight_set: name of weight set [optional] :param window_set: name of window set [optional] :param events: list of events [optional] :param include_stations: Write down station misfits? [optional]
(lasif_root)[source]¶ This function writes a csv file with station name and lat,lon locations
- Parameters
lasif_root (Union[str, pathlib.Path, object]) – path to lasif root directory or communicator