Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import

import glob
import os
from typing import List

from .component import Component

from ..window_manager_sql import WindowGroupManager
from lasif.utils import process_two_files_without_parallel_output
from lasif.exceptions import LASIFNotFoundError

[docs]class WindowsComponent(Component): """ Component dealing with the windows and adjoint sources. :param folder: The folder where the files are stored. :param communicator: The communicator instance. :param component_name: The name of this component for the communicator. """ def __init__(self, communicator, component_name): super(WindowsComponent, self).__init__(communicator, component_name)
[docs] def get(self, window_set_name: str): """ Returns the window manager instance for a window set. :param window_set_name: The name of the window set. :type window_set_name: str """ filename = self.get_window_set_filename(window_set_name) return WindowGroupManager(filename)
[docs] def list(self): """ Returns a list of window sets currently present within the LASIF project. """ files = [ os.path.abspath(_i) for _i in glob.iglob( os.path.join(self.comm.project.paths["windows"], "*.sqlite") ) ] window_sets = [ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_i))[0][:] for _i in files ] return sorted(window_sets)
[docs] def has_window_set(self, window_set_name: str): """ Checks whether a window set is already defined. Returns True or False :param window_set_name: The name of the window set. :type window_set_name: str """ if window_set_name in self.list(): return True return False
[docs] def get_window_set_filename(self, window_set_name: str): """ Retrieves the filename for a given window set :param window_set_name: The name of the window set. :type window_set_name: str :return: filename of the window set """ filename = os.path.join( self.comm.project.paths["windows"], window_set_name + ".sqlite" ) return filename
[docs] def write_windows_to_sql( self, event_name: str, window_set_name: str, windows: dict ): """ Writes windows to the sql database :param event_name: The name of the event :type event_name: str :param window_set_name: The name of the window set :type window_set_name: str :param windows: The actual windows, structured in a dictionary(stations) of dicts(channels) of lists(windowS) of tuples (start- and end times) :type windows: dict """ window_group_manager = self.get(window_set_name) window_group_manager.write_windows_bulk(event_name, windows)
[docs] def read_all_windows(self, event: str, window_set_name: str): """ Return a flat dictionary with all windows for a specific event. This should always be fairly small. :param event: Name of event :type event: str :param window_set_name: The name of the window set. :type window_set_name: str """ window_group_manager = self.get(window_set_name) return window_group_manager.get_all_windows_for_event(event_name=event)
[docs] def get_window_statistics(self, window_set_name: str, events: List[str]): """ Get a dictionary with window statistics for an iteration per event. Depending on the size of your inversion and chosen iteration, this might take a while... :param window_set_name: The window_set_name. :type window_set_name: str :param events: List of event(s) :type events: List[str] """ statistics = {} for _i, event in enumerate(events): print( "Collecting statistics for event %i of %i ..." % (_i + 1, len(events)) ) wm = self.read_all_windows( event=event, window_set_name=window_set_name ) # wm is dict with stations/channels/list of start_end tuples station_details = self.comm.query.get_all_stations_for_event(event) component_window_count = {"E": 0, "N": 0, "Z": 0} component_length_sum = {"E": 0, "N": 0, "Z": 0} stations_with_windows_count = 0 stations_without_windows_count = 0 for station in station_details.keys(): wins = wm[station] if station in wm.keys() else {} has_windows = False for channel, windows in wins.items(): component = channel[-1].upper() total_length = 0.0 for window in windows: total_length += window[1] - window[0] if not total_length > 0.0: continue has_windows = True component_window_count[component] += 1 component_length_sum[component] += total_length if has_windows: stations_with_windows_count += 1 else: stations_without_windows_count += 1 statistics[event] = { "total_station_count": len(station_details.keys()), "stations_with_windows": stations_with_windows_count, "stations_without_windows": stations_without_windows_count, "stations_with_vertical_windows": component_window_count["Z"], "stations_with_north_windows": component_window_count["N"], "stations_with_east_windows": component_window_count["E"], "total_window_length": sum(component_length_sum.values()), "window_length_vertical_components": component_length_sum["Z"], "window_length_north_components": component_length_sum["N"], "window_length_east_components": component_length_sum["E"], } return statistics
[docs] def select_windows( self, event: str, iteration_name: str, window_set_name: str, **kwargs ): """ Automatically select the windows for the given event and iteration. Function must be called with MPI. :param event: The event. :type event: str :param iteration_name: The iteration. :type iteration_name: str :param window_set_name: The name of the window set to pick into :type window_set_name: str """ from lasif.utils import select_component_from_stream from mpi4py import MPI import pyasdf event = # Get the ASDF filenames. processed_filename = self.comm.waveforms.get_asdf_filename( event_name=event["event_name"], data_type="processed", tag_or_iteration=self.comm.waveforms.preprocessing_tag, ) synthetic_filename = self.comm.waveforms.get_asdf_filename( event_name=event["event_name"], data_type="synthetic", tag_or_iteration=iteration_name, ) if not os.path.exists(processed_filename): msg = "File '%s' does not exists." % processed_filename raise LASIFNotFoundError(msg) if not os.path.exists(synthetic_filename): msg = "File '%s' does not exists." % synthetic_filename raise LASIFNotFoundError(msg) # Load project specific window selection function. select_windows = self.comm.project.get_project_function( "window_picking_function" ) # Get source time function stf_fct = self.comm.project.get_project_function( "source_time_function" ) delta = self.comm.project.simulation_settings["time_step_in_s"] npts = self.comm.project.simulation_settings["number_of_time_steps"] freqmax = ( 1.0 / self.comm.project.simulation_settings["minimum_period_in_s"] ) freqmin = ( 1.0 / self.comm.project.simulation_settings["maximum_period_in_s"] ) stf_trace = stf_fct( npts=npts, delta=delta, freqmin=freqmin, freqmax=freqmax ) process_params = self.comm.project.simulation_settings minimum_period = process_params["minimum_period_in_s"] maximum_period = process_params["maximum_period_in_s"] def process(observed_station, synthetic_station): obs_tag = observed_station.get_waveform_tags() syn_tag = synthetic_station.get_waveform_tags() # Make sure both have length 1. assert len(obs_tag) == 1, ( "Station: %s - Requires 1 observed waveform tag. Has %i." % (observed_station._station_name, len(obs_tag)) ) assert len(syn_tag) == 1, ( "Station: %s - Requires 1 synthetic waveform tag. Has %i." % (observed_station._station_name, len(syn_tag)) ) obs_tag = obs_tag[0] syn_tag = syn_tag[0] # Finally get the data. st_obs = observed_station[obs_tag] st_syn = synthetic_station[syn_tag] # Extract coordinates once. coordinates = observed_station.coordinates # Process the synthetics. st_syn = self.comm.waveforms.process_synthetics( st=st_syn.copy(), event_name=event["event_name"], iteration=iteration_name, ) all_windows = {} for component in ["E", "N", "Z"]: try: data_tr = select_component_from_stream(st_obs, component) synth_tr = select_component_from_stream(st_syn, component) if self.comm.project.simulation_settings[ "scale_data_to_synthetics" ]: scaling_factor = ( / ) # Store and apply the scaling. data_tr.stats.scaling_factor = scaling_factor *= scaling_factor except LASIFNotFoundError: continue windows = None try: windows = select_windows( data_tr, synth_tr, stf_trace, event["latitude"], event["longitude"], event["depth_in_km"], coordinates["latitude"], coordinates["longitude"], minimum_period=minimum_period, maximum_period=maximum_period, iteration=iteration_name, **kwargs, ) except Exception as e: print(e) if not windows: continue all_windows[] = windows if all_windows: return all_windows ds = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(processed_filename, mode="r", mpi=False) ds_synth = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(synthetic_filename, mode="r", mpi=False) results = process_two_files_without_parallel_output( ds, ds_synth, process ) MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() # Write files on rank 0. if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: print("Finished window selection", flush=True) size = MPI.COMM_WORLD.size MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() for thread in range(size): rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank if rank == thread: print( f"Writing windows for rank: {rank+1} " f"out of {size}", flush=True, ) event_name=event["event_name"], windows=results, window_set_name=window_set_name, ) MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier()
[docs] def select_windows_multiprocessing( self, event: str, iteration_name: str, window_set_name: str, num_processes: int = 16, **kwargs ): """ Automatically select the windows for the given event and iteration. Uses Python's multiprocessing for parallelization. :param event: The event. :type event: str :param iteration_name: The iteration. :type iteration_name: str :param window_set_name: The name of the window set to pick into :type window_set_name: str :param num_processes: The number of processes used in multiprocessing :type num_processes: int """ from lasif.utils import select_component_from_stream from tqdm import tqdm import multiprocessing import warnings import pyasdf warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") global _window_select event = # Get the ASDF filenames. processed_filename = self.comm.waveforms.get_asdf_filename( event_name=event["event_name"], data_type="processed", tag_or_iteration=self.comm.waveforms.preprocessing_tag, ) synthetic_filename = self.comm.waveforms.get_asdf_filename( event_name=event["event_name"], data_type="synthetic", tag_or_iteration=iteration_name, ) if not os.path.exists(processed_filename): msg = "File '%s' does not exists." % processed_filename raise LASIFNotFoundError(msg) if not os.path.exists(synthetic_filename): msg = "File '%s' does not exists." % synthetic_filename raise LASIFNotFoundError(msg) # Load project specific window selection function. select_windows = self.comm.project.get_project_function( "window_picking_function" ) # Get source time function stf_fct = self.comm.project.get_project_function( "source_time_function" ) delta = self.comm.project.simulation_settings["time_step_in_s"] npts = self.comm.project.simulation_settings["number_of_time_steps"] freqmax = ( 1.0 / self.comm.project.simulation_settings["minimum_period_in_s"] ) freqmin = ( 1.0 / self.comm.project.simulation_settings["maximum_period_in_s"] ) stf_trace = stf_fct( npts=npts, delta=delta, freqmin=freqmin, freqmax=freqmax ) process_params = self.comm.project.simulation_settings minimum_period = process_params["minimum_period_in_s"] maximum_period = process_params["maximum_period_in_s"] def _window_select(station): ds = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(processed_filename, mode="r", mpi=False) ds_synth = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(synthetic_filename, mode="r", mpi=False) observed_station = ds.waveforms[station] synthetic_station = ds_synth.waveforms[station] obs_tag = observed_station.get_waveform_tags() syn_tag = synthetic_station.get_waveform_tags() try: # Make sure both have length 1. assert len(obs_tag) == 1, ( "Station: %s - Requires 1 observed waveform tag. Has %i." % (observed_station._station_name, len(obs_tag)) ) assert len(syn_tag) == 1, ( "Station: %s - Requires 1 synthetic waveform tag. Has %i." % (observed_station._station_name, len(syn_tag)) ) except AssertionError: return {station: None} obs_tag = obs_tag[0] syn_tag = syn_tag[0] # Finally get the data. st_obs = observed_station[obs_tag] st_syn = synthetic_station[syn_tag] # Extract coordinates once. coordinates = observed_station.coordinates # Process the synthetics. st_syn = self.comm.waveforms.process_synthetics( st=st_syn.copy(), event_name=event["event_name"], iteration=iteration_name, ) all_windows = {} for component in ["E", "N", "Z"]: try: data_tr = select_component_from_stream(st_obs, component) synth_tr = select_component_from_stream(st_syn, component) if self.comm.project.simulation_settings[ "scale_data_to_synthetics" ]: scaling_factor = ( / ) # Store and apply the scaling. data_tr.stats.scaling_factor = scaling_factor *= scaling_factor except LASIFNotFoundError: continue windows = None try: windows = select_windows( data_tr, synth_tr, stf_trace, event["latitude"], event["longitude"], event["depth_in_km"], coordinates["latitude"], coordinates["longitude"], minimum_period=minimum_period, maximum_period=maximum_period, iteration=iteration_name, **kwargs, ) except Exception as e: print(e) if not windows: continue all_windows[] = windows if all_windows: return {station: all_windows} else: return {station: None} # Generate task list with pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(processed_filename, mode="r", mpi=False) as ds: task_list = ds.waveforms.list() # Use at most num_processes workers number_processes = min(num_processes, multiprocessing.cpu_count()) # Open Pool of workers with multiprocessing.Pool(number_processes) as pool: results = {} with tqdm(total=len(task_list)) as pbar: for i, r in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(_window_select, task_list)): pbar.update() k, v = r.popitem() results[k] = v pool.close() pool.join() # Write files with a single worker print("Finished window selection", flush=True) num_sta_with_windows = sum(v is not None for k, v in results.items()) print(f"Writing windows for {num_sta_with_windows} out of " f"{len(task_list)} stations.") event_name=event["event_name"], windows=results, window_set_name=window_set_name, )
[docs] def select_windows_for_station( self, event: str, iteration: str, station: str, window_set_name: str, **kwargs, ): """ Selects windows for the given event, iteration, and station. Will delete any previously existing windows for that station if any. :param event: The event. :type event: str :param iteration: The iteration name. :type iteration: str :param station: The station id in the form NET.STA. :type station: str :param window_set_name: Name of window set :type window_set_name: str """ from lasif.utils import select_component_from_stream # Load project specific window selection function. select_windows = self.comm.project.get_project_function( "window_picking_function" ) event = data = self.comm.query.get_matching_waveforms( event["event_name"], iteration, station ) # Get source time function stf_fct = self.comm.project.get_project_function( "source_time_function" ) delta = self.comm.project.simulation_settings["time_step_in_s"] npts = self.comm.project.simulation_settings["number_of_time_steps"] freqmax = ( 1.0 / self.comm.project.simulation_settings["minimum_period_in_s"] ) freqmin = ( 1.0 / self.comm.project.simulation_settings["maximum_period_in_s"] ) stf_trace = stf_fct( npts=npts, delta=delta, freqmin=freqmin, freqmax=freqmax ) process_params = self.comm.project.simulation_settings minimum_period = process_params["minimum_period_in_s"] maximum_period = process_params["maximum_period_in_s"] window_group_manager = found_something = False for component in ["E", "N", "Z"]: try: data_tr = select_component_from_stream(, component) synth_tr = select_component_from_stream( data.synthetics, component ) # delete preexisting windows window_group_manager.del_all_windows_from_event_channel( event["event_name"], ) except LASIFNotFoundError: continue found_something = True windows = select_windows( data_tr, synth_tr, stf_trace, event["latitude"], event["longitude"], event["depth_in_km"], data.coordinates["latitude"], data.coordinates["longitude"], minimum_period=minimum_period, maximum_period=maximum_period, iteration=iteration, **kwargs, ) if not windows: continue for starttime, endtime, b_wave in windows: window_group_manager.add_window_to_event_channel( event_name=event["event_name"],, start_time=starttime, end_time=endtime, ) if found_something is False: raise LASIFNotFoundError( "No matching data found for event '%s', iteration '%s', and " "station '%s'." % (event["event_name"],, station) )