
Classes handling the domain definition and associated functionality for LASIF. It can handle complex domains defined by HDF5 Salvus meshes. Otherwise it uses more simple domains which are just defined as min/max lat/lon coordinates.


Solvi Thrastarson, ( 2019


GNU General Public License, Version 3 (

class lasif.domain.HDF5Domain(mesh_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], absorbing_boundary_length: float)[source]

A class which handles domains based on HDF5 Salvus meshes


Find a point which is not inside the domain


Points in normalized x, y, z coordinates

Return type



Gets the indices of a sorted array of domain edge nodes, this method should work, as long as the top surfaces of the elements are approximately square

plot(ax=None, plot_inner_boundary: bool = False)[source]

Plots the domain Global domain is plotted using an equal area Mollweide projection. Smaller domains have eihter Orthographic projections or PlateCarree.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – matplotlib axes, defaults to None

  • plot_inner_boundary (bool, optional) – plot the convex hull of the mesh surface nodes that lie inside the domain. Defaults to False


The created GeoAxes instance.

point_in_domain(longitude: float, latitude: float, depth: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Test whether a point lies inside the domain. It is done in a step by step process of elimination:

  • First one checks depth and sees whether the point is too deep and falls into the absorbing boundaries at depth.

  • Second is a box check seeing whether point falls outside of minimum and maximum latitude.

  • Third one uses the edge polygon to see whether point is inside it or not.

  • Last one checks whether the point is too close to the edge meaning that it would fall into the absorbing boundaries.

  • longitude (float) – longitude in degrees

  • latitude (float) – latitude in degrees

  • depth (float) – depth of event in meters

class lasif.domain.SimpleDomain(info: Dict[str, Union[str, float]])[source]

A class handling more simplistic domains than the HDF5Domain class


Return an array which can be used to plot the edges of the domain


Properly ordered corner coordinates for plotting

Return type


plot(ax=None, plot_inner_boundary: bool = False)[source]

Plots the domain Global domain is plotted using an equal area Mollweide projection. Smaller domains have eihter Orthographic projections or PlateCarree.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – matplotlib axes, defaults to None

  • plot_inner_boundary (bool, optional) – plot the convex hull of the mesh surface nodes that lie inside the domain. Defaults to False


The created GeoAxes instance.

point_in_domain(longitude: float, latitude: float, depth: Optional[float] = None)bool[source]

Check whether point is located inside or outside domain

  • longitude (float) – Longitude coordinate

  • latitude (float) – Latitude coordinate

  • depth (float, optional) – Depth in meters, defaults to None

Return type
