Source code for lasif.domain

Classes handling the domain definition and associated functionality for LASIF.
It can handle complex domains defined by HDF5 Salvus meshes. Otherwise it
uses more simple domains which are just defined as min/max lat/lon

    Solvi Thrastarson, ( 2019

    GNU General Public License, Version 3
import pathlib
from typing import Union, Dict
import cartopy as cp

import numpy as np
import h5py
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

from lasif.exceptions import LASIFNotFoundError, LASIFError
from lasif.rotations import lat_lon_radius_to_xyz, xyz_to_lat_lon_radius
from lasif.utils import normalize_coordinates
import lasif.spherical_geometry

[docs]class HDF5Domain: """ A class which handles domains based on HDF5 Salvus meshes """ def __init__( self, mesh_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], absorbing_boundary_length: float, ): self.mesh_file = str(mesh_file) self.absorbing_boundary_length = absorbing_boundary_length * 1000.0 self.r_earth = 6371000 self.m = None self.is_global_mesh = False self.domain_edge_tree = None self.earth_surface_tree = None self.domain_edge_coords = None self.earth_surface_coords = None self.KDTrees_initialized = False self.min_lat = None self.max_lat = None self.min_lon = None self.max_lon = None self.max_depth = None self.center_lat = None self.center_lon = None self.is_read = False self.side_set_names = None self.boundary = None def _read(self): """ Reads the HDF5 file and gathers basic information such as the coordinates of the edge nodes. In the case of domain that spans the entire earth, all points will lie inside the domain, therefore further processing is not necessary. """ try: self.m = h5py.File(self.mesh_file, mode="r") except AssertionError: msg = ( "Could not open the project's mesh file. " "Please ensure that the path specified " "in config is correct." ) raise LASIFNotFoundError(msg) # if less than 2 side sets, this must be a global mesh. Return self.side_set_names = list(self.m["SIDE_SETS"].keys()) if ( len(self.side_set_names) <= 2 and "inner_boundary" not in self.side_set_names ): self.is_global_mesh = True self.min_lat = -90.0 self.max_lat = 90.0 self.min_lon = -180.0 self.max_lon = 180.0 return if "a0" in self.side_set_names: self.is_global_mesh = True self.min_lat = -90.0 self.max_lat = 90.0 self.min_lon = -180.0 self.max_lon = 180.0 return side_elements = [] earth_surface_elements = [] for side_set in self.side_set_names: if side_set == "surface": continue elif side_set == "r1": earth_surface_elements = self.m["SIDE_SETS"][side_set][ "elements" ][()] elif side_set == "r1_ol": earth_surface_elements = self.m["SIDE_SETS"][side_set][ "elements" ][()] else: side_elements.append( self.m["SIDE_SETS"][side_set]["elements"][()] ) side_elements_tmp = np.array([], for i in range(len(side_elements)): side_elements_tmp = np.concatenate( (side_elements_tmp, side_elements[i]) ) # Remove Duplicates side_elements = np.unique(side_elements_tmp) # Get node numbers of the nodes specifying the domain boundaries surface_boundaries = np.intersect1d( side_elements, earth_surface_elements ) # Get coordinates coords = self.m["MODEL/coordinates"][()] self.domain_edge_coords = coords[surface_boundaries] self.earth_surface_coords = coords[earth_surface_elements] # Get approximation of element width, take second smallest value # For now we will just take a random point on the surface and # take the maximum distance between gll points and use that # as the element with. It should be an overestimation x, y, z = self.earth_surface_coords[:, 0, :].T # # Get extent and center of domain # x, y, z = self.domain_edge_coords.T # # pick a random GLL point to represent the boundary # x = x[0] # y = y[0] # z = z[0] # get center lat/lon x_cen, y_cen, z_cen = np.median(x), np.median(y), np.median(z) self.center_lat, self.center_lon, _ = xyz_to_lat_lon_radius( x_cen, y_cen, z_cen ) lats, lons, _ = xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(x, y, z) self.min_lat = np.min(lats) self.max_lat = np.max(lats) self.min_lon = np.min(lons) self.max_lon = np.max(lons) # Find point outside the domain: outside_point = self.find_outside_point() # Figure out maximum depth of mesh x, y, z = coords.T r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) self.max_depth = self.r_earth - np.min(r) self.is_read = True # In order to create the self.edge_polygon we need to make sure that # the points on the boundary are arranged in a way that a proper # polygon will be drawn. sorted_indices = self.get_sorted_edge_coords() x, y, z = self.domain_edge_coords[np.append(sorted_indices, 0)].T lats, lons, _ = xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(x[0], y[0], z[0]) x, y, z = normalize_coordinates(x[0], y[0], z[0]) points = np.array((x, y, z)).T self.boundary = np.array([lats, lons]).T self.edge_polygon = lasif.spherical_geometry.SphericalPolygon( points, outside_point ) # Close file self.m.close() def _initialize_kd_trees(self): """ KDTrees are used to quickly access closest points. """ if not self.is_read: self._read() # KDTrees not needed in the case of a global mesh if self.is_global_mesh: return # build KDTree that can be used for querying later self.earth_surface_tree = cKDTree(self.earth_surface_coords[:, 0, :]) self.domain_edge_tree = cKDTree(self.domain_edge_coords[:, 0, :]) self.KDTrees_initialized = True def get_side_set_names(self): if not self.is_read: self._read() return self.side_set_names
[docs] def find_outside_point(self) -> tuple: """ Find a point which is not inside the domain :return: Points in normalized x, y, z coordinates :rtype: tuple """ found_latitude = False found_longitude = False if self.max_lat < 80.0: outside_lat = self.max_lat + 8.0 found_latitude = True elif self.min_lat > -80.0: outside_lat = self.min_lat - 8.0 found_latitude = True if self.max_lon < 170.0: outside_lon = self.max_lon + 8.0 found_longitude = True elif self.min_lon > -170.0: outside_lon = self.min_lon - 8.0 found_longitude = True if found_latitude and not found_longitude: # We can assign a random longitude as it is outside the latitudes outside_lon = 0.0 found_longitude = True elif found_longitude and not found_latitude: # We can assign a random latitude as it is outside the longitudes outside_lat = 0.0 found_latitude = True if not found_latitude and not found_longitude: # I might want to give the option of providing a point raise LASIFError("Could not find an outside point") return lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(outside_lat, outside_lon, 1.0)
[docs] def point_in_domain( self, longitude: float, latitude: float, depth: float = None ): """ Test whether a point lies inside the domain. It is done in a step by step process of elimination: - First one checks depth and sees whether the point is too deep and falls into the absorbing boundaries at depth. - Second is a box check seeing whether point falls outside of minimum and maximum latitude. - Third one uses the edge polygon to see whether point is inside it or not. - Last one checks whether the point is too close to the edge meaning that it would fall into the absorbing boundaries. :param longitude: longitude in degrees :type longitude: float :param latitude: latitude in degrees :type latitude: float :param depth: depth of event in meters :type depth: float """ if not self.is_read: self._read() if self.is_global_mesh: return True if not self.KDTrees_initialized: self._initialize_kd_trees() # Assuming a spherical Earth without topography point_on_surface = lat_lon_radius_to_xyz( latitude, longitude, self.r_earth ) dist, _ = self.domain_edge_tree.query(point_on_surface, k=2) # First elimination: # Check whether domain is deep enough to include the point. # Multiply element width with 1.5 since they are larger at the bottom if depth: if depth > (self.max_depth - self.absorbing_boundary_length * 1.2): return False # Second elimination: if latitude >= self.max_lat or latitude <= self.min_lat: return False if longitude >= self.max_lon or longitude <= self.min_lon: return False # Third elimination: point = lat_lon_radius_to_xyz(latitude, longitude, 1.0) if not self.edge_polygon.contains_point(point): return False # Fourth elimination if np.min(dist) < self.absorbing_boundary_length * 1.7: return False return True
[docs] def plot( self, ax=None, plot_inner_boundary: bool = False, ): """ Plots the domain Global domain is plotted using an equal area Mollweide projection. Smaller domains have eihter Orthographic projections or PlateCarree. :param ax: matplotlib axes, defaults to None :type ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional :param plot_inner_boundary: plot the convex hull of the mesh surface nodes that lie inside the domain. Defaults to False :type plot_inner_boundary: bool, optional :return: The created GeoAxes instance. """ if not self.is_read: self._read() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # if global mesh return moll transform = if self.is_global_mesh: projection = if ax is None: m = plt.axes(projection=projection) else: m = ax _plot_features(m, projection=projection) return m, projection lat_extent = self.max_lat - self.min_lat lon_extent = self.max_lon - self.min_lon max_extent = max(lat_extent, lon_extent) # Use a global plot for very large domains. if lat_extent >= 90.0 and lon_extent >= 90.0: projection = if ax is None: m = plt.axes(projection=projection) else: m = ax elif max_extent >= 75.0: projection = central_longitude=self.center_lon, central_latitude=self.center_lat, ) if ax is None: m = plt.axes(projection=projection) else: m = ax else: projection =,) if ax is None: m = plt.axes(projection=projection,) else: m = ax m.set_extent( [ self.min_lon - 3.0, self.max_lon + 3.0, self.min_lat - 3.0, self.max_lat + 3.0, ], crs=transform, ) try: _plot_lines( m, self.boundary, transform=transform, color="red", lw=2, label="Domain Edge", ) if plot_inner_boundary: # Get surface points x, y, z = self.earth_surface_coords.T latlonrad = np.array(xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(x[0], y[0], z[0])) # This part is potentially slow when lots # of points need to be checked in_domain = [] idx = 0 for lat, lon, _ in latlonrad.T: if self.point_in_domain(latitude=lat, longitude=lon,): in_domain.append(idx) idx += 1 lats, lons, rad = np.array(latlonrad[:, in_domain]) # Get the complex hull from projected (to 2D) points from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull points = np.array((lons, lats)).T hull = ConvexHull(points) # Plot the hull simplices for simplex in hull.simplices: m.plot( points[simplex, 0], points[simplex, 1], c="black", transform=transform, ) m.plot( points[simplex, 0], points[simplex, 1], c="black", transform=transform, label="Convex Hull of Inner boundary", ) except LASIFError: # Back up plot if the other one fails, which happens for # very weird meshes sometimes. # This Scatter all edge nodes on the plotted domain x, y, z = self.domain_edge_coords.T lats, lons, _ = xyz_to_lat_lon_radius(x[0], y[0], z[0]) plt.scatter( lons, lats, color="k", label="Edge nodes", zorder=3000, transform=transform, ) _plot_features(m, projection=projection) m.legend(framealpha=0.5, loc="lower right") return m, projection
[docs] def get_sorted_edge_coords(self): """ Gets the indices of a sorted array of domain edge nodes, this method should work, as long as the top surfaces of the elements are approximately square """ if not self.KDTrees_initialized: self._initialize_kd_trees() # For each point get the indices of the five nearest points, of # which the first one is the point itself. _, indices_nearest = self.domain_edge_tree.query( self.domain_edge_coords, k=5 ) indices_nearest = indices_nearest[:, 0, :] num_edge_points = len(self.domain_edge_coords) indices_sorted = np.zeros(num_edge_points, dtype=int) # start sorting with the first node indices_sorted[0] = 0 for i in range(num_edge_points)[1:]: prev_idx = indices_sorted[i - 1] # take 4 closest points closest_indices = indices_nearest[prev_idx, 1:] if not closest_indices[0] in indices_sorted: indices_sorted[i] = closest_indices[0] elif not closest_indices[1] in indices_sorted: indices_sorted[i] = closest_indices[1] elif not closest_indices[2] in indices_sorted: indices_sorted[i] = closest_indices[2] elif not closest_indices[3] in indices_sorted: indices_sorted[i] = closest_indices[3] else: raise LASIFError( "Edge node sort algorithm only works " "for reasonably square elements" ) return indices_sorted
def __str__(self): return "HDF5 Domain" def is_global_domain(self): if not self.is_read: self._read() if self.is_global_mesh: return True return False
def _plot_features(m, projection): """ Helper function aiding in consistent plot styling. """ from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import ( LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER, ) m.add_feature(cp.feature.LAND) m.add_feature(cp.feature.OCEAN) m.add_feature(cp.feature.COASTLINE, zorder=13) m.add_feature(cp.feature.BORDERS, linestyle=":", zorder=13) m.add_feature(cp.feature.LAKES, alpha=0.5) # m.add_feature(cp.feature.RIVERS) # m.stock_img() if projection.proj4_params["proj"] == "eqc": grid_lines = m.gridlines(draw_labels=True) grid_lines.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER grid_lines.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER grid_lines.xlabels_top = False grid_lines.ylabels_right = False else: m.stock_img() def _plot_lines( map_object, lines, color, lw, transform, alpha=1.0, label=None, effects=False, ): lines = np.array(lines) lats = lines[:, 0] lngs = lines[:, 1] map_object.plot(lngs, lats, transform=transform, color=color, label=label)
[docs]class SimpleDomain: """ A class handling more simplistic domains than the HDF5Domain class """ def __init__(self, info: Dict[str, Union[str, float]]): self.max_lat = info["max_lat"] self.min_lat = info["min_lat"] self.max_lon = info["max_lon"] self.min_lon = info["min_lon"] self.depth_in_m = info["depth_in_km"] * 1000.0 self._is_global = None assert ( self.max_lat > self.min_lat ), "Max latitude less than Min latitude" assert ( self.max_lon > self.min_lon ), "Max longitude less than Min longitude" assert self.depth_in_m > 0.0, "Depth needs to be bigger than 0.0" assert self.max_lat <= 90.0, "Latitude exists between -90.0 and 90.0" assert self.min_lat >= -90.0, "Latitude exists between -90.0 and 90.0" assert ( self.max_lon <= 180.0 ), "Longitude exists between -180.0 and 180.0" assert ( self.min_lon >= -180.0 ), "Longitude exists between -180.0 and 180.0" if ( self.min_lat == -90.0 and self.max_lat == 90.0 and self.min_lon == -180.0 and self.max_lon == 180.0 ): self._is_global = True else: self._is_global = False
[docs] def point_in_domain( self, longitude: float, latitude: float, depth: float = None ) -> bool: """ Check whether point is located inside or outside domain :param longitude: Longitude coordinate :type longitude: float :param latitude: Latitude coordinate :type latitude: float :param depth: Depth in meters, defaults to None :type depth: float, optional :rtype: bool """ if self._is_global: return True if longitude < self.min_lon: return False if longitude > self.max_lon: return False if latitude > self.max_lat: return False if latitude < self.min_lat: return False if depth is not None: if depth > self.depth_in_m: return False return True
[docs] def plot( self, ax=None, plot_inner_boundary: bool = False, ): """ Plots the domain Global domain is plotted using an equal area Mollweide projection. Smaller domains have eihter Orthographic projections or PlateCarree. :param ax: matplotlib axes, defaults to None :type ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional :param plot_inner_boundary: plot the convex hull of the mesh surface nodes that lie inside the domain. Defaults to False :type plot_inner_boundary: bool, optional :return: The created GeoAxes instance. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt transform = if plot_inner_boundary: raise LASIFError("Inner boundary is not plotted on simple domains") if self._is_global: projection = if ax is None: m = plt.axes(projection=projection) else: m = ax _plot_features(m, projection=projection) return m, projection lat_extent = self.max_lat - self.min_lat lon_extent = self.max_lon - self.min_lon max_extent = max(lat_extent, lon_extent) center_lat = np.mean((self.max_lat, self.min_lat)) center_lon = np.mean((self.max_lon, self.min_lon)) # Use a global plot for very large domains. if lat_extent >= 90.0 and lon_extent >= 90.0: projection = if ax is None: m = plt.axes(projection=projection) else: m = ax elif max_extent >= 75.0: projection = central_longitude=center_lon, central_latitude=center_lat, ) if ax is None: m = plt.axes(projection=projection) else: m = ax m.set_extent( [ self.min_lon - 3.0, self.max_lon + 3.0, self.min_lat - 3.0, self.max_lat + 3.0, ], crs=transform, ) else: projection =,) if ax is None: m = plt.axes(projection=projection,) else: m = ax boundary = self.get_sorted_corner_coords() _plot_lines( m, boundary,, color="red", lw=2, label="Domain Edge", ) _plot_features(m, projection=projection) m.legend(framealpha=0.5, loc="lower right") return m, projection
[docs] def get_sorted_corner_coords(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return an array which can be used to plot the edges of the domain :return: Properly ordered corner coordinates for plotting :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return np.array( [ [self.min_lat, self.min_lon], [self.min_lat, self.max_lon], [self.max_lat, self.max_lon], [self.max_lat, self.min_lon], [self.min_lat, self.min_lon], ] )